
Position Based Fluid


The projects aims to implement a real-time rendering of liquid simulation using a particle-based method. The fluid is represented by a underlying mesh of particles, and in each iterations, we enforce incompressibility by introducing by formulating and solving a set of positional constraints that enforce constant density [1].

Technical Approach

The code is modified from project 4 skeleton code of Berkeley CS 184.

The algorithm is mostly based on Macklin and Muller’s Position Based Fluids [1] as follows:

The original paper contains incompressibility, tensile instability, vorticity confinement and viscosity constraints. Due to time limitation, we did not implement the vorticity constraint.

Neighbor Searching

The neighbor searching algorithm is done by creating a position hash of all particles before each simulation loop. Each position is mapped to a block whose side is equal to the kernel radius. When searching for the neighbors of a given position, we iterate through the 3x3x3 blocks centered by corresponding block of the input position.

Constraint Solver

The constraints are solved using a iterative density solver, trying to change the position of each particle so that all particles are close to their rest density. The isotropic kernel function is defined as

and we used the “spiky” kernel as its gradient to avoid vanishing gradient near zero. “Spiky” is defined as:

For each particle, we have \( \rho_0 \) as its rest density, and its current density is estimated using the SPH estimator:

where \( N_i \) is the neighbor set of particle \( i \).

The incompressible constraint is modeled as

Note that in our model, all particles have the same mass, the all of the calculating involving \( m_i \) can be omitted.

We want to search for a displacement vector \( \Delta \mathbf{p}_i \) so that

This is solved using Newton’s method:


in which \( \varepsilon \) is an artificial term added for stability.

Tensile Instability

We introduce an artificial pressure as

and change the displacement calculation in the previous section into

This improves the cramming problem that will be discussed in the following sections by a little bit

XPH Viscosity

After the velocity update, we apply XPH viscosity by updating

Particles Cramming

The biggest obstacle during our implementation is the problem of particles cramming and loosing momentum after collision. Our original collision algorithm is done by moving the colliding particle from its previous position to the collision surface with a friction factor, but this method does not take the velocity of the particle into position. Thus, the particles that fall from a high distance loss most of its momentum since we are doing a position-based dynamic system. Our solution is to use a velocity-based collision, and each surface will reflect a colliding particle back corresponding to its previous velocity instead of position.

Particles cramming due to a loss of momentum.

Additionally, since we did not implement vorticity constraints, the particles suffer from momentum loosing and sticking to the collision surfaces. The tensile instability constraints help with the problem but not fully solve it. Thus, we added an additional collision detection after the constraint solver, and gives colliding particles that are nearly still an artificial velocity away from the collision surfaces. This allows the particles to have a tendency to move away from cramming after the collision.

To speed up the simulation, we resolve to OpenMP but the effect is limited except for on Linux.


A cube of liquid dropping into a slight larger container.

A column of water dropping into the corner of a container.

An attempt to simulate the “milk crown” effect.

Water particles without gravity.

Future Works

We could reconstruct a triangular mesh from the existing particle mesh to get a more realistic water representation. We can also add the ray tracing functionality to show the reflection of refraction of the liquid.

The liquid simulation could be rewrite along with GPU acceleration. Since in the iterative constraint solver, all calculation on the particles are independent, they can all be run in parallel and speed up by a large factor.

Also, it could potentially be possible that the constraint solve can be speed up using a machine learning method, the majority of the time spent is on the solver. The idea behind the current iterative solver is similar to gradient descent, we could potentially run a large number of iterations until convergence, feed the data into a neural net, and possibly get a fast well-performing solver.


[1] Macklin, Miles, and Matthias Müller. “Position based fluids.” ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 32.4 (2013): 104.
