
Assignment 4: Cloth Simulation

Fanyu Meng


Part 1: Masses and springs

In this part, we created a cloth representation with a grid of point masses and springs that connect them. We categorize the springs as structural, shearing or bending by connect to different point masses.

We achieve this by splitting the plane of the cloth evenly into num_width_points * num_height_points point masses and store them into the array, and then try adding three types of springs accordingly if both points are valid coordinates.

pinned2.json representation.
pinned2.json with only shearing constraints.
pinned2.json with only structual and bending constraints.

Part 2: Simulation via numerical integration

In this part, we enabled cloth physics simulation by simulating the calculating the forces on all point masses and integrate the position change via Verlet integration. The forces is calculated by incorporating global forces like gravity and the internal forces from the springs. Verlet integration is done by saving the location for each point masses at the previous timestamp and use it to approximate velocity. We also made a constraint on the springs that they cannot extent more than 10% of their rest length to prevent overly extended springs.

We first compute the total force by adding up the global forces (e.g. gravity) and the internal forces using Hooke’s Law on the springs. Then, we compute displacement using Verlet integration by incorporating the previous location, the velocity and the acceleration. We also scale down the effect velocity to simulate frictions. After that, for all springs that are extending more than 10%, we move the corresponding point masses back to prevent the spring from over-extending.

In the following table, we can see the difference result from different configuration. The images in the middle column are identical and is for reference.

Low Default High

As we can see:

pinned4.json in its terminal state.

Part 3: Handling collisions with other objects

In this part, we make sure that the cloth can correctly collide with spheres and planes by move the point masses back a little bit if it is colliding with the object.

For spheres, we define a collision as when the location of the point mass is inside the sphere. If collides, we move the mass towards the surface of sphere from its previous location, and scale down the displacement by a friction factor;

For planes, we define a collision as when the current location and the previous location of the mass is on different sides of the plane. If collides, similarly, we move the mass towards the other side of the plane from it previous location, and scale down the displacement by a friction factor. We also make sure that if its location is too close to the plane, we move the mass out a little bit to prevent the cloth from vibrating.

Cloth colliding with a sphere with ks=500.
Cloth colliding with a sphere with ks=5000.
Cloth colliding with a sphere with ks=50000.

As we can see, the smaller the coefficient of the spring is, the more the cloth will dangle from the sphere. If ks is large, the internal force from the springs will hold the cloth from dangling more.

Cloth resting on a plane with diffuse lighting.

Part 4: Handling self-collisions

In this part, we resolve the issue of the cloth’s self-collision with a somewhat efficient algorithm with hashing.

Folding cloth in a somewhat restful state.

At each timestamp, we map calculate the hash for the positions of all point masses and generate a hash table. The hash is calculated by taking modulo of its position by a empirical hash box size, and then sum the coordinates with different power of a prime number, like generating a hash for a polynomial or a string. Then, for each hash box, we apply a correction displacement for each different point in the same box, trying to move so that the masses are at least 2 * thickness away from each other. The final displacement is the weighted sum of the corrections from all other masses in the same box. In this way, our cloth is moving itself from collapsing on itself.

Again, in the following table, we can see the animated result from different coefficients. The images in the middle column are identical and is for reference.

Low Default High

As we can see, ks and density are acting like a pair of antagonist forces. A higher ks or a lower density will cause less number of folds to appear since the cloth will tend to preserve its original shape, while a lower ks or a higher density will cause it to fold faster and in more number of folds.

Part 5: Shaders

In this part, we implement a variety of shaders. A shader, in general, is a program that takes into a vertex or a triangle to be rendered, and send its corresponding color to the GPU.

In OpenGL, the .vert shader apply transforms to the input vertex according to camera angels, and can even apply custom transforms like below. It writes the result to the .frag shader and the GPU though gl_Position. The .frag file is responsible for calculating the color of the input vertex.

Through modifying the two files, we can create a shader program that can represent different materials through some writing different color according to the vertex location, normal direction and light location.

The Blinn-Phong shading model is a specular model that is a combination of diffuse model and reflective materials. It is more mirror-like when the half vector is close to the normal vector, and is more diffuse otherwise.

Ambient component.
Diffuse component.
Specular component.
Blinn-Phong model.
Rendered with custom lunar texture.
Bump with brick texture.
Dispacement with brick texture.
Bump, more coarse sphere mesh.
Dispacement, more coarse sphere mesh.
Bump, finer sphere mesh.
Dispacement, finer sphere mesh.

As we can see, if the mesh of the sphere is more coarse, the displacement perform much worse since the vertices are undersampling the texture. There aren’t enough vertices to sample the jump in height in the texture. For the bump render though, the difference is much smaller. This is due to the fact that our texture is mostly uniform except for the jumps between the bricks, and rendering can correctly interpolate the color between the vertices. If our texture is more refined and has more discontinuities, the difference between the two mesh will be more prominent.

Mirror-like cloth.
Mirror-like sphere.